Yarraville Teeth Cleaning & Dental Hygiene Services

Dental Hygiene and Teeth Cleaning Services in Yarraville, Williamstown, Seddon and Kingsville

Yarraville Dental is committed to providing best teeth cleaning dentist and dental hygiene service within Yarraville and surrounding areas at competitive prices.We provide three types of Yarraville professional dental teeth cleaning services which are traditional scale and polish, diamond polish and deep polishing. Because with our experienced, highly skilled, and qualified staff. You are in the best hands for your dental hygiene needs. Because we are equipped with the latest technology and state of the art dental equipment to ensure the highest standard of dental procedures. Patient’s care, well-being and satisfaction is not only our top priority, but is our goal.

Do I need to see a dental hygienist?

If a good dental hygiene practices are not followed. The build-up of plaque and tartar can irritate the gums which can lead to gingivitis (gum disease). Additionally, it can also lead to bad breath, unsightly staining, and tooth decay.

Dental hygienists at Yarraville dental have specialist training in how to clean. Scale and polish your teeth as well as also guide you through best ways of keeping your teeth your gums healthy. However, our dentists carefully remove calculus and deposits of tartar which are on the surface and in the cracks between your teeth and also show you preventative measures to stop them returning.


Procedure of Dental Hygiene at Yarraville Dental

At our dental hygiene clinic, your first appointment is crucial, our dentist will initially have a quick screening of your gums and teeth as well as assess the level of tartar and staining. For dental hygiene we will then follow with following procedure.

1. First scale your teeth using ultrasonic scaler to gently remove any plaque or tartar build-up on the surface as well as in between teeth and even hard areas where brush cannot reach.
2. Polish your teeth using special equipment and material to remove any superficial staining on your teeth.
3. Guide you on how to maintain a good oral health and show you techniques so plaques sa well as stains don't return back.

It’s a good idea to keep up with your dental hygienist once every 6 months. However this amount may vary depending on your particular needs.

YES! One of the biggest benefits to see a specialist hygienist at Yarraville dental clinic. Because they will guide you  how to best brush your teeth, flossing techniques, foods to avoid, and also how to maintain any specific aspects of your oral health such as braces.

If not removed for a long period  of time, calculus and plaque builds up and can cause in thi situation  inflammation and gum (periodontal) disease as well as tooth decay.

Special dental hygienist  alongside our general dentists and specialists will provide your teeth cleaning treatment.

Dental Hygiene - Teeth Cleaning Treatment Cost at Yarraville Dental

Providing dental hygiene and teeth cleaning treatment at very competitive prices in Yaraville Melbourne. Please feel free to contact us on 03- 9314 7712 in case you have any further queries.

Book an appointment for dental hygiene at Yarraville Dental Clinic

To book appointment for teeth cleaning/dental hygiene treatment please call us one 03- 9314 7712 or book online by following the link below.

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